With so much change happening right now, normal daily tasks like shopping can bring extra, unneeded stress. Taking advantage of familiar, everyday tools like your credit union issued credit card to shop online can make life a little easier for you.
1. Ony shop on trustworthy websites.
2. Ensure the card entry page is secure.
3. Do not shop on public Wi-Fi networks.
4. Print or save receipts as PDFs.
5. Use anti-virus software and secure your internet access with a password.
6. Shop with a Credit Card.
As your Credit Union we are happy to answer any questions! Contact Us today!
Tired of other card companies hiking your interest rates and fees, cutting credit limits, and eliminating grace periods? Transfer your balances to the NMFCU Platinum VISA and avoid all that.
Initiate a balance transfer to your NMFCU Platinum VISA:
Spring 2025 Promotional Balance Transfer Request FormBenefits of transferring your balance:
*(APR) Annual Percentage Rates for 9-Month Balance Transfer Promotion are based on cardholders creditworthiness. Balance transfer amounts after the 9-month promotional period will revert to standard fixed rate of 8.99%-18.00% depending on creditworthiness. Purchases will be calculated at the standard rate. All pro-motional rates will end at the end of the 9-month promotional period at which time any remaining balance will revert to the standard rate. Balance transfer pro-motion may not be used to pay current Northwest Municipal Federal Credit Union loans. Standard underwriting guidelines and some restrictions may apply.
Need instant access to your account? No problem! In addition to making VISA payments via NMFCU On-line Bill Pay, you also have access to VISA’s eZ Card system with more online tools available to you anytime. Enroll your card at www.ezcardinfo.com for access to payments and managing expenses whenever convenient.
Access Includes:
Sends you real-time text or email alerts when you pay with your Visa card.
Get an extra layer of security when you shop online.
In addition to our other ways of preventing, detecting, and resolving fraud, we offer Verified by Visa, a free, simple-to-use service that confirms your identity with an extra password when you make an online transaction.
Be assured that we’re on alert 24/7 helping prevent the unauthorized use of your card information. With the help of Falcon, VISA’s fraud prevention department, potential credit card fraud can be identified and stopped before you’re even aware of it!
If fraud is detected, Falcon will immediately try to contact you using the primary phone number on your VISA account. The purpose of the call is to verify the suspicious purchase(s).
A representative will also verify your identity, but they will NEVER ask you for your card number, expiration date, security code, or social security number.
To report lost or stolen VISA Credit Cards, please call 800-322-8472
To report lost or stolen VISA ATM/Debit Cards, please call 800-523-4175
To respond to our VISA ATM/Debit card after-hours Transaction Review department, please call 800-327-8622